Critical Mass is a group of cyclists who meet the last Friday of every month for a ride around the city. There is no official leader, and there is no official route. Someone ends up in the front for a while, and people tend to follow. Originally it started as a protest for cyclists' rights. At the moment, there isn't a universal objective. Different people ride for different reasons. Some maintain the original spirit is still there, some are in it for the traveling party, and others are just tourists.
Cruising down the Embarcadero. Check out the guy with the green backpack on the unicycle. |
I think that all bikes are awesome, and to me critical mass is a celebration of bikes and biking. There will be mountain bikes, road bikes, tandem bikes, unicycles, fixies, low riders, recumbants, bmx bikes, beach cruisers, etc..
Cool stuff:
- Rode the Broadway tunnel in both directions
- Rode the curvy section of Lombard (see video below)
- Probably clocked in about 14 miles total
- Saw a guy on a unicycle ride the whole thing.