Normally I wouldn't write about a day hike, but this one was pretty exciting. We originally planned on taking a certain loop, but we parked at the wrong starting point. We ended up just picking a loop on the map that looked fun. So we really didn't know exactly how long it was going to take or what the elevation gain/loss was going to be like.
I forgot to start Strava until about 30 minutes into the hike. It was a loop, which ended up being ~8 miles total. |
Stopped here for a view of the ocean and to snack on some stinky cheese and crackers |
Eileen and I were walking down the trail, and lying right in the middle of the path is a bloody deer leg. What the hell. No sign of the rest of the deer. To me it looked REALLY fresh. It was blood red where it was torn off, and there weren't even any flies or bugs on it yet. I have never come across something like this in the woods. We were kinda freaked out, and we ended up leaving the scene without spending much time to investigate.
"Bad news: There is a mountain lion nearby. Good news: He isn't hungry."
So we continue on for a few miles in order to finish the hike. At this point it's getting dark earlier than expected, because of the recent daylight savings time change. So we are out in the woods, it's getting really dark, we have no headlamps, and there is a mountain lion on the prowl. But to our relief we turned a bend, and the car came back into sight. Woohoo!